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No-Fault Eviction to End: Landlord and Tenant Law Revisions Likely

Talk to a tenant and the lack of security of tenure is often brought up as a significant issue. For landlords, the inability easily to obtain possession of a tenanted property can often cause angst.

There is little dispute that a good-quality, settled tenancy is of benefit to both. With the private rented sector now constituting nearly 20 per cent of all households, the Government recognises the need for longer, more secure tenancies and launched a consultation on the subject in July 2018, receiving nearly 9,000 responses.

The principal issue for tenants was identified as being that because 'no-fault' eviction can take place with as little as two months' notice, 'people renting from private landlords have been left feeling insecure by short fixed-term tenancies, unable to plan for the future or call where they live a home'.

The Government has therefore decided to put an end to no-fault eviction by repealing Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988, and to protect landlords' interests by strengthening Section 8, so that those wishing to regain a property in order to live in or sell it will have an easier process. In addition, the Government has promised to simplify the court processes for gaining possession of let properties where circumstances allow it.

A further consultation will now take place to consider how to deal with the outstanding issues.