Danson House, Bexleyheath

Danson House, Bexleyheath


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Separation Agreement Solicitors Serving Sidcup, Bexley and Kent

Separation Agreements allow married couples and civil partners to agree specific terms of any future separation at any point in their relationship. If they do this and then later separate, the terms of the agreement can be put into place which should avoid the expensive and stress of Court proceedings.

The terms of any agreement can include all aspects of the relationship such as the children (contact, residence or maintenance) and the finances (such as property, financial products or spousal maintenance).

It is important that anyone entering into a Separation Agreement is fully aware of the legal implications of doing so and does so freely of their own will.

Our Family Team will advise you of the merits and pitfalls of any agreement, before drafting a suitable document that seeks to safeguard your best interests.  Where necessary our team will negotiate the terms with the other party.

Get in touch with our Separation Agreement solicitors in Sidcup

If you would like more information about Separation Agreements or you would like to set up an initial appointment, please contact our team by calling 020 8300 9321, emailing enquiries@wmk-law.com, or by completing the enquiry form at the top of the page.

  • John O'Connor
      • View profile
  • Sarah John
      • View profile

Our service includes:

  • a free initial 30 minute interview
  • Drafting the agreement in line with your instructions
  • Dealing with advice to the other party to seek independent legal advice, where there could be a conflict
  • Ensuring you have the best agreement possible